VSE CONDOR, CYGNET and FALCON 20.0 Are Now Available Online
The latest releases of CONDOR, CYGNET and FALCON (Version 20.0 for VSE) are ready and available to our customers. We are now making our VSE products downloadable from our web site. Simply go to our software download form. You will need your customer number and a valid CPUID to continue.
New features in this release include:
- Emergency Recovery System (ERS), a virtual CONDOR, CYGNET or FALCON, designed to facilitate recovery when the software fails to initiate.
- Upgraded PRISM support provides a more user-friendly online interface and support for PC attached printers (The old online interface will remain accessible)
- DASD I/O processor improvements limit reference to only the track(s) involved in a particular operation and allow support for large DASD (devices that have up to 64K-1 cylinders)
- The DOCS program now supports wrapping for users of VSE/ESA release 2.1 or higher
Please see the ASCII text file included with your documentation for a complete summary of enhancements.
Some major enhancements from recent releases include a REXX language processor, ACF support and the optional CONDOR or FALCON FTP server.
CONDOR, CYGNET and FALCON version 14.0 for