CONDOR, CYGNET and FALCON Release 21.1 for VSE/ESA Available Online
The latest releases of VSE/ESA CONDOR, CYGNET and FALCON are currently ready and available to our customers. The Release 21.1 changes are the result of valued customer feedback and suggestions received while using Release 21.0. Some of the improvements include:
- Column sorts are now supported on all paged reports. (A paged report is when a multi-page display occurs and the text literal “Page nnn of nnn” appears in the lower left corner of the display.) To effect the sort just tab to the column and press the enter key. Repeating the process on same column will result in an inverse sort.
- The Condor system now supports terminal sizes that have 24 to 204 rows and 80 to 255 columns provided that rows times columns is less than or equal to 16,384. In addition, Condor now supports default screen sizes that are other than the traditional 24 x 80 buffer size (a.k.a. Model-2).
- The maximum number of concurrent A or B line commands and KA or KB line commands has been increased from 29 to 128. The actual upper limit will be governed by the number of lines defined for your terminal session.
- A new Force DeFauLT terminal size command, FDFLT, has been provided to disable the alternate screen size of the terminal. The effects of this command will remain in place until a new session is initiated or the RESET command is used.
- Point and shoot (positioning to a field and pressing enter or using your terminal emulators HOTSPOT support to simulate point and shoot with a mouse click) support has been added to the following screens.
- Main OLPS screen: (Default line command is Edit/Browse)
- OLPS Select screen: (Default line command is List)
- Power/Spri queue display: (Default line command is Fetch)
- Power MAP display: (Default line command is Select)
- Power MAP display Select window: (Default command is Fetch)
- A new KEYS command has been added to assist in navigation. The KEYS command toggles the display setting of the program function key list. If the display setting is active then the function key list will be displayed near the bottom of the screen. If the display setting is not active then the function key list will not be displayed. The keys setting will be saved in the user profile so that it will be remembered across sessions. The KEYS command is invoked automatically if the enter key is pressed with the cursor in the KEYS display area (the last line of the menu screen, the third from the last line of the editor screen, and the second from the last line of the RJE Fetch screen). The KEYS command may also be invoked automatically with a mouse click if HOTSPOTS are enabled for your terminal emulator.
We are now making our VSE/ESA products downloadable from our web site. To begin the process, you will need your customer number and a valid CPUID in order to fill out our software request form completely. Once the form is filled out and submitted, you will be given access to the software for downloading and installation. The last step involves receiving a decryption code via email to unlock the software.