(E)JES V5R1 Introduces Health Checker History … and More
The latest release of (E)JES includes a number of exciting new features:
Health Checker History: displays the run history of a selected check. You can display a short history of up to ten iterations or the complete (long) history. With this support, you can browse the messages from any check iteration that is still present in the log stream.
Support for z/OS 1.13 JES2 and JES3: new tabular columns and line commands facilitate IBM’s batch modernization efforts.
Sysplex-wide Scope for Activity: set the scope for the Activity display—JESplex or sysplex—via the Options panel, or with a command. Sysplex-wide support requires RMF (or OEM equivalent) services.
Action messages in JES2 Syslog: the JES2 Syslog browser now optionally appends WTOR and AMRF messages to the bottom of the display.
Pop-up input window: the new Prompt key brings up a pop-up window for overtyping long columns—up to 126 characters. This is useful when an overtypeable field is sized down, or on 3270 displays that are not configured wide enough to display the maximum width of the column.
Other selected features:
- Relative time browser navigation now supports seconds and minutes.
- SDSB allocation for System Log SPOOL data sets is particularly useful for API exploiters.
- REXX ISFCALLS applications may now use the ISFGET, ISFLOG and ISFSLASH commands and ISFRESET function.
- Pattern utility can now unconditionally include a specified number of lines at beginning or end of each data set being filtered, such as report heading/totals lines.
- “Smart” highlighting enhances the readability of Settings Notices on modern 3270 displays.
- The Message Summary browser now supports multiline messages.
- Email can be now delivered via NJE, direct sockets or XMITIP. The Transport action bar item lets you choose which email delivery method to use.
- Import a contact list to the (E)JES address book from workstation email programs such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird.
- The System Requests display now contains auto-reply information for WTORs.
- Administrators can now push changed site-wide defaults to their users' cross-session profiles.